Saturday, November 4, 2017

what a wonderful world

Good morning all,

I just wanted to reflect this morning on the loveliness of this world we live in.  It's really easy to get bogged down in the bullshit mire of it all, but this morning I woke up to a beaver moon, a warm fire, and the love of a puppy dog.  Yes, he pooped on my floor overnight and woke me by whining for attention . . . but he's whining because he can't bear being separated from his human.  And, of course, this is because he has separation anxiety caused by his first few years of life being fraught with mistreatment (being yelled at and not being paid attention to). 

Anyhow, I'm thankful for the beauty and the love in my world, even as I daily deal with the evils of it as well.  The kid who treats me like garbage or tries to get a laugh from her friends by making fun of me is likely trying to recover from her own sort of traumatic day.  One of my favorite posters I've ever seen in a counselor's office says, "I'm cursed because I know enough about psychology to understand why everyone treats everyone so poorly."  That kind of behavior (the middle school bullying) is a result of that girl being bullied or feeling powerless in her life.  Unfortunately, this happens all too often.  So, instead of reacting or being mad about it, I just ignored her negative comments and moved on with my day. 

Anyhow, as I daily struggle to rise above the muck and mire, I can easily find things to be grateful for.  I have health, warmth, a Hagrid/Brawny man beard, people who love me, houses, cars, electricity . . . and even some fun new gadgets to play with.  With all this, how can I be unhappy?  People in PR have been without power and basic necessities for life for 5 weeks now.  They are our human brothers and sisters, and I don't understand why we aren't helping more than we are.

I'll end with the gorgeous moon I saw this morning.  Maybe it isn't as pretty as it was in person, but I hope I captured some of the beauty in it, and that it inspires people to find beauty around them as well.

Have a great day!



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