Thursday, November 2, 2017

Calling all upgrade (ers)

Hi all,

This is me, one more time, asking for all old electronics you aren't using.  I know personally, I have several laptops and tablets that aren't the newest or fastest anymore.  Since they aren't the best, I don't play with them anymore, and they sit collecting dust in my house or classroom.  What I need is those old machines from everybody around me, and everybody they know. 

I can't singlehandedly take on the poverty of Hartford.  But I can feed the hungry kids I see and help students who don't have technology get access to it.  To that end, please donate if you can!  Again, I don't want your new stuff.  Just the leftover things you don't use anymore.  Old phones, tablets, computers etc.  The more portable the better. 

Have a great day, and stay gr8ful!


p.s. - Today I'm grateful for the people who love me, being well fed (sometimes too much so lol) and having clothes and heat.

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