Saturday, January 19, 2019


Hi all,

I woke up, far too early, after falling asleep at 6 pm last night after a week of 14 hour days.  I'm not really wanting to be awake, but I can't really control that either.  This makes for a lonely morning, but I've learned to deal with the solitude of the mornings.  I sip my coffee, sometimes write on my blog, watch some youtube videos, and wait for everybody else to get up.  I used to work with a guy that, whenever asked how he was, replied, "vertical and ventilating."  I suppose that implies a general gratefulness for being alive.  At the least, every day we're alive, we're able to do something. 

So, instead of being mad about being up so early, I'm going to use my day in the best way I can think of.  There are things I have to do, and things I want to do, and I'm hoping to strike a balance.  I suppose we'll see.  But I can always, at the very least, be grateful to be alive.  I'm sick, I'm tired, and I barely made it through the week.  But I'm alive, and that leaves me so much possibility. . . for the day, for the future, and for the ways in which I can affect the world.

Have a great day all!


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