Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Post Holiday excess computers?

Hi all,

I know in my household there are too many computers now - 2 extras, to be exact.  The excess machines will be brought to school, wiped using Darik's Boot and Nuke, then linux will be installed.  After students have helped me do all that, we will find out from the counselors and social workers which students really need new machines, and give them to them. 

If you find yourself in a similar situation, or your company does, please consider donating to my students in Hartford.  The adage used to be that books on the shelf in the home was the biggest predictor of student success.  I humbly submit that now it's the internet, a computer fast enough to reach it, and the will to learn from it.  I make each student learn enough about software and hardware to be able to maintain their own machine, enough about the operating system (Mint, Ubuntu, Edbuntu or Debian) so that they can install their own programs, and enough about the philosophy of the program that they will eventually turn up with donations of their own when they upgrade.

Even if all you have to give is a few extra flash drives or some mice and keyboards, it's all helpful. 

Hope you all had a great holiday, spent with family, friends, and loved ones. 


Mark @gr8fullyfeclub

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