Sunday, November 18, 2018

Upgrading on Black Friday or Cyber Monday? Please consider donating your old/less wanted stuff to @gr8fullyfeclub

Hi all,

So far, I've helped about 5 students this year with my charity.  I've got to set up meetings to make it a 501c3 nonprofit and continue to network with companies so that we can have their old, off lease stuff.  I'm hopeful that over the holiday season, students can bring me their old phones, ipads, tablets, notebooks, and even desktops and all in ones for the charity.  My goal this year is 25, and I've decided to do a few things to make that happen.

a) Have students write thank you notes for their donations, and at least post them on social media if not send them to the donors.
b) Run a donorschoose project or two to get the SSDs and RAM that will make the old tech faster again.
c) Donate 2 more machines of my own to the cause.
d) Get better at screen replacement, on phones and on tablets and laptops, so I can keep some more of the broken ones going
e) Make a blanket donation slip and actually offer tax incentives for people who donate (finish the 501c3 stuff)
f) Write some grants

Anyhow, I hope you're all having a great day today, and if you are considering recycling tech any other way, please consider us first.  I only want students in Hartford to have fair access to technology, and by breathing new life into your old tech with Linux, I can make that happen for no cost except my time.

Have a great Turkey Day everybody!

Mark @gr8fullyfeclub

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