Tuesday, October 2, 2018

TIS Santa/Oprah

Hi All,

It's that time again.  I am going to ask you to help me be Santa Claus to a bunch of kids in Hartford who need your help.  Here are the things you can do to help less fortunate students succeed.

a) Donorschoose.org, and sponsor my project(s) to get chromebook and wacom tablet (which gives my classroom a smartboard without paying smartboard prices)

b) Give me your old broken technology (phones/tablets/computers) so I can put them to use in my building and in my students' lives. 

c) spread the word about this idea to your company/network, so that they might consider corporate giving.  I'm in the process of getting a 501c3 nonprofit going, so that I can provide tax incentives for businesses giving.

When you upgrade, please give me your old stuff.  If your company is upgrading, please ask them to give their old stuff to me, for the same reason.  I'll make sure it gets to a good home, in a classroom or a needy student's house.  All I ask in return from the recipients is that they pass something they have along to someone less fortunate than them.

Have a great day!


p.s. - TIS is tech integration specialist, and Santa/Oprah is because of the phrase, "you get a laptop, and you get a laptop!" and because I'm bearded and look a bit like Mr. Kringle.

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