Friday, November 24, 2017

The leftovers

Hi all,

I suppose it's appropriate that today of all days I'm talking about leftovers.  I'm sure Turkey Sandwiches will abound.  However, this missive isn't about turkey.  I know I'm shopping Black Friday sales to see what I can upgrade in my life, though I don't really NEED anything new.  When I do upgrade, I hope to pass my less needed devices to students in my life that need them.  For instance, I've found a laptop for about $100 that has an i5 processor, and I will use it to replace one of the laptops I have.  The old one will go to a student, with a fresh copy of linux on it (debian or ubuntu, I haven't decided yet).  This is the way I will give back this holiday. 

At any rate, if you are doing anything similar, I would love to donate your old things to my students.  They come from very impoverished backgrounds, and could use any electronic device.  The smaller and newer the better, as many of them are hungry or homeless, and need portability.  However, I still take old digital cameras, TVs, desktops, printers, etc.  As long as they have some life left and you don't need them anymore, I'd be @gr8ful if you could help. 

Have a great Black Friday, and I hope your gratitude extends farther than your belly.  I know I put on a few pounds yesterday lol.



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