Thursday, October 25, 2018


Hi all,

I had a parent bring me 9 laptops yesterday, and a former student offer another.  Maybe I finally have a bit of momentum behind this nonprofit of mine.  The hard part now will be getting students to help, and distributing them effectively so that everybody gets what they need.  Of course, my teaching still has to take priority too, and my grading :) 

However, this is real progress, and it's really neat to have some folks believing in what I do, for my school and my students.  I can't tell you how good that feels.  With this momentum, it's easy to forget the trials and tribulations of my day to day existence.  In fact, this morning I'm going to get to the YMCA and have a quick workout before school, then get there early and maybe fix a few computers while I'm getting ready for the district assessment today. 

Anyway, I guess gratitude is the best option.  I'd rather live a life of gratitude than live any other way.  I hope you all can find some in your life today.  It's there if you're looking.

Have a great day all,


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