Friday, November 10, 2017

still gr8ful

Hi everybody, and Happy Veteran's Day!

I'm frequently reminded of the sacrifice made by so many to ensure the lives and liberties we are afforded.  I'm a quirky mix of patriotic, liberal, and solemn on days like this.  I am solemn because on this day, we celebrate everyone who has served in our armed forces.  Many have died, and many have given parts of themselves (some literally) to ensure our safety, freedom and security.  I often think I should have enlisted in the Air Force Academy or Coast Guard.  I wonder, given how liberal I've turned out, how that experience might have changed me.  I pledge allegiance to the flag each morning (though I leave out the Under God part because it was added in the 50s and I believe in the separation of church and state).  I use my moment of silence after that to think about those who have gone before me and how they might face the day to come.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm grateful.  I've never given my own service to our military, but I appreciate those that do.  I hope that my life, helping students learn math, can measure up.  At any rate, I'm grateful for those who have served.  I thanked as many of them as I could yesterday because we don't have school today. 

Have a great day, and stay gr8ful!


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