Thursday, November 24, 2022

Gratitude on Thanksgiving

 Hi all,

Happy Thanksgiving, for those who celebrate!

I try to stop every year and be grateful for something, or many things.  The easiest might be, I woke up this morning, in a bed, in a warm house.  I added a few logs to the fire and got it stoked up, and used the internet to watch some funny videos on youtube.  I discovered a few comedians I wasn't aware of - Liz Miele and Orny Adams.  Hot water for a bath and coffee, plumbing and electricity, and even solar panels and a battery backup.  I have family who love me and a dog and chickens.  I even have friends and job(s) that I like, most days.  

I still run my charity as I'm able, and help folks in that way, I hope.  To that end, if you have an old computer I can make it helpful to someone else, with Linux and maybe some replacement parts.  Someday, maybe I will get a grant or finish the 501c3 so I can do that full time, but for now, I help who I can.  

I'm also grateful for nature and the power and beauty of that.  I see stars every morning, taking Jake out, and deer and birds in my yard.  

Have a great day and I hope you can find things to be thankful for, today and every day.


Merry Xmas, Happy Holidays, or just gratitude

 Good morning, Here's hoping that all of you are safe, warm and surrounded by love this holiday.  If you aren't, please ask and I wi...