Sunday, September 2, 2018

Calling all upgraders . . . labor day weekend sale!

Hi all,

I hope you're having a nice long weekend.  Mine's been pretty good so far.  I just wanted to remind you all that if you upgrade your techy things - laptops, calculators, cell phones, printers etc - that my soon-to-be 501c3 nonprofit would be glad to take your old ones off your hands. 

I'm always amazed at what I have, and what I take for granted.  I'm able to buy what I want, usually, and the old stuff just sits around collecting dust, totally unused.  I need to get rid of the old stuff as soon as I'm sure the new stuff works well.  Sometimes selling it is too much hassle, so I donate.  At any rate, please consider donating your old electronics to me and my students.  I'll wipe it with DBAN and put either ubuntu, mint or debian on it (all flavors of linux), then give it to a student in need or use it in my classroom's linux lab. 

Thanks for considering, and happy Labor Day Weekend shopping!


Merry Xmas, Happy Holidays, or just gratitude

 Good morning, Here's hoping that all of you are safe, warm and surrounded by love this holiday.  If you aren't, please ask and I wi...